Other series
Gong and the 4 noses
- Gong and the 4 noses
- Claude Debussy / Robbrecht Van Cauwenberghe Pagodas (from: Estampies)
- Michele Mazzini Due nasi
- Sinta Wullur Si empat
- Ki Nartosabdho / Lars van der Meer Swara suling
- Iwan Gunawan Gembyangan
- Gesang Martohartono / Filipus Wisnumurti Pranoto Bengawan solo
Oorkaan: Gong and the 4 noses (for ages 5 and up)
There are words for everything. Rhinoceros, tiger, elephant. Wind and water, the smell of fruit. But what if there is something bubbling up, deep inside, that has no name yet? In Gong and the 4 Noses, the five musicians of Oorkaan are inspired by the enchanting and mysterious gamelan music from Indonesia in their search for something unnameable. Because there is something in their heads. Or it could also be in their hearts, or in their bellies. And then the gong sounds - BONG! - and bronze-colored light shines powerfully from unexpected quarters! A playful performance, in which poetry and humor play the leading roles.